To my designer and joiner mates, plastics welding is currently the best method for sealing Critical. Cleanstone joins to ensure water doesn't leak through.
In part 2 of the plastic welding series of plastic welding, it's important you choose the right plastic weld that is of the same polymer type as the Cleanstone you are planning to weld onto.
Here's how you can easily find if the rod is compatible.
1. Find an offcut of Cleanstone that you will be using for your next build. If you don't have any offcuts, jump on and we'll hook you up.
2. Find the plastic rod you want to test and heat up the plastic welder to between 3-6 on settings. Remember it's important that you don't burn the plastics.
3. Watch the video below and weld a line onto the target Cleanstone panel.
4. If the plastic rod is compatible with the target Cleanstone panel, it will be fused into the material.
5. If the plastic rod is not compatible with the target Cleanstone panel, you should be able to easily peel the welded plastic rod off once it's cool.
And it's that easy. Stay tuned for more instructional videos for how to plastic weld and join Cleanstone.
I run a green materials company called Critical. and we help designers and brands create beautiful spaces using 100% recycled plastic panels called Cleanstone. If you're working on sustainable fit out using Cleanstone and need technical support:
1. Jump on or
2. Book a time with me here:
#SustainableDesign #CircularEconomy #PlasticRecycling #InteriorDesign #GreenBuilding #EcoInnovation #RecycledMaterials #DesignForChange #ArchitecturalCraftsmanship #PlasticWelding