From Expired Hardhats to Sustainable Design: How Critical. Cleanstone is Transforming Waste into Beautiful, Recycled Products!

From Expired Hardhats to Sustainable Design: How Critical. Cleanstone is Transforming Waste into Beautiful, Recycled Products!

We're proud to partner with Watercare Services Limited to kick off the transformation of expired hardhats into Critical. Cleanstone and the beautiful products that can be made using it!

Here's teaser video showing the process: SOUND ON. It's a very accurate account of what happened.

In Aotearoa we only recycle 4 out of 24 plastic types and hard hats being made from ABS is considered as 'hard to recycle'. This means most of it end up in landfill. For safety reasons, hardhats have an average life span of approximately 2-3 years before expiry. And with approximately 10.7% of Aotearoa's population working in construction, Aotearoa uses a lot of them...

ABS, which is the same plastic as your Lego Brick, contains amazing properties. It is dimensionally stable, hard wearing, dense, scratch resistant and have incredibly high impact strength, often used as manufactured car parts. When transformed into Critical. Cleanstone we can harness those properties as a decorative construction panel that is highly durable and suitable for many construction and fit out uses cases. By doing so, we are also extending its lifecycle by a lifetime.

And make it forever recycle-able too.

Which is why we're really excited through the use of Critical.'s technology to transform this waste material into a precious resource.

And now working in partnership with Anson Kong from Spacebar Design, we can take circularity a step further to transform Cleanstone panels into all sorts of products including this beautiful folding table. More about this partnership soon!!

Ngā mihi nui mahana Shaye Va and Bernice Chiam for pioneering this programme with us and tēnā koutou Nicole Sips (Auckland Council) Jason Pietzner and Laramie McCallum (Cleanline Tasman - Workwear & PPE Specialists) - I can't wait to see how far we can take this together moving forward.

Watch this space!











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