From Recession to Innovation: How 185 Sandwiches and Critical. are Redefining Hospitality with Sustainable Design

From Recession to Innovation: How 185 Sandwiches and Critical. are Redefining Hospitality with Sustainable Design
Loving Kale's reflection: 'If we believe this recession will get the best of us, it will. If we believe this recession is an opportunity to improve ourselves and our businesses, it can be that, too.'
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Airbnb, Microsoft, The Walt Disney Company and Intuit Mailchimp to name a few were all started in recessions.

We launched Critical. during COVID.

And it's heartening to seeing more restaurant and hospitality brands like 185 Sandwiches taking on the challenge and stepping out to do the same.

Founded by Yuriy Ackermann
and his partner (chef), 185 Sandwiches on Queen Street next to Aotea Square focuses on delivering the best sandwiches in Tāmaki Makaurau!

I'm not a foodie, but they've put some real magic in that bacon. Their focus on doing the one thing they do really well and doubling down on their niche is inspiring for other startups today.

And I love their minimalist approach in using both Critical.'s Forest Cleanstone as shelving and our Clear Cleanstone as the customer counter top to bring life, colour and excitement into their elegant space.

Both types of materials are made from 100% recycled soft plastics, commercial fishing nets and rigid plastic packaging. This humble little fit out has helped to divert approx. 200kgs of plastics from landfill and avoid approx. 690 kgs of carbon emissions.

Hit up these guys on Queen Streen during your next lunch break e te whānau!

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